Sunday, May 07, 2006

Well surprisingly I woke up feeling not too bad on Friday. Yes I felt a little sore in the legs but nothing too bad.

I've had a fairly quiet weekend and I have to admit not too much exercise has been happening. However, I will be back into it tomorrow.

Finally yesterday I had one of those moments where I could definately tell that I've lost weight. Of course Ive had other moments where I've thought I could see change and then in the next minute thought hmm do I really look different lol. Well I can definately see some changes in my hips - they don't appear to be as wide anymore. When my measurements are done next week I will know for sure but I definately think there is change. Hubby to has noticed changes.

He is quite perplexed about where the skin goes when you lose weight and I've explained to him that it goes down ie sags lol. Which is why I want to start doing everything I can to eliminate as much of this as possible.

On LITS someone mentioned that it is 31 weeks until Dec 1st - as my birthday is 2nd Dec I've decided to make it my goal to get to 71kgs by 2nd December 2006. Haven't worked out the maths but it is definately achievable at under 1kg a week. I have 22kgs to get to 71.

When I get to 71kgs I will then be able to reassess whether I will stay at that weight or lose a few more kilos. I have no idea what I would look like then.

I'm thinking of going in the City to Surf this year. Adro (BL) and his trainer are getting a walking team together. I just have to work out the logistics of getting down to Sydney but public transport in time for start of race.

I had a lovely email from Ruth (BL) and she sounds so nice and has very realistic ideas/goals for her weight loss journey. I am looking forward to seeing how she goes and supporting her.

Well that's about it for me today. Be back tomorrow.



Blogger Jadey said...

That's fantastic hun - you set a goal and you have a date to work towards. You are well on your way!

11:31 am  

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