Saturday, April 08, 2006

Oopsie I forgot to blog yesterday. Not that anything too exciting happened. Yesterday my daughter's home science class had a cafe and mum and I were invited (Hubby couldn't get the day off work). Food was lovely although not completely low-fat. I had 2 ham and pineapple scrolls (fairly small) and 1 mini quiche lorraine. Oh and 1 small choc-chip cookie. I also had a fruit salad. So I decided that was lunch and I'd better not have any more until dinner lol.

I also got up early and went for my walk yesterday. Was good but gee it is cold at 6am!

We had a quiet night at home watching the football, which is pretty much our usual Friday night activity. Cameron's (DH) dad rang which was, as per usual, a conversation all about himself and cameron's half sister and brother. Cam's parents split up when he was 2 and his father went on to remarry and had 2 more children. His step mother wouldn't "let" him have anything to do with Cameron and so they didn't have too much to do with each other for a while. When he turned 18 he got sparing visits but has basically done jack all for hubby.

A couple of months ago FIL had a gastric bypass and every so often rings to tell us how much weight he has lost. Well apparently now he has lost 30kgs. Good for him but gee it'd be nice if he could take an interest in his son's life. His other fave topic of conversation is my brother in law Simon who is 21. Apparently he is taking Simon to Melbourne to see The Rolling Stones. Last year he paid half of his daughter's trip to New Zealand.

I don't know I just feel very sorry for Cameron. Anyways that's enough of that drivel.

Today we went shopping, did a bit of gardening and then mum came over for a few hrs. Brooke and Aaron both have friends staying.

I still have an awful cough and am definately heading to the chemist tomorrow to get something for it. It's driving me, and everyone else, batty. If it would go I'd be fine.

Well I'm going to go and climb in bed. Be back tomorrow.



Blogger Tina said...

Oh you poor thing, still having the cough. Hope it goes soon, hun.

I know exactly what you mean when you talked of your DH's father. My dad has remarried and it's all about my stepmum and her 2 children. It's like because my sister and I are from a different marriage, we don't exist!
But thats family...what can you do *shrug*

10:08 am  

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