Saturday, April 01, 2006

Yesterday I learnt why it is important to eat breakfast. I woke up and my throat was way too sore to eat. Bad move, I felt peckish all day. I was fairly good though and stuck to low fat soup for lunch, grapes and some rice crackers and yummy beef stroganoff for tea. Oh and 2 pieces of raisin toast.

It just seemed to throw my day out and I was continually looking for healthy snacks to eat.

All in all it was a fairly blergh sort of day. You know how on the weight-loss journey you have days where you think " Can I see any change?" - well yesterday was one of those days for me. One minute I'd think yes I can tell and then the next minute I'd be thinking Who am I kidding there is no noticeable difference.

Just to add to this I decided I'd grab the tape measure and try and find my waist and hips lmao. I have to say I don't really have a clue exactly where they are and where I should measure next Wednesday for the 6wk challenge I am doing.

Just to conclude this dreary post I do think that I have lost weight from my inner thighs and my bum. The skin there has gone a bit jelly-like. Very weird. I'm guessing this is what happens when the fat goes from under your skin?

Ok enough of the dismal and on to today. Today was my nephew's 1st birthday. I was a bit down because I didn't think I should go because of my cold. After speaking to my brother I decided to go as my nephew already has a cold anyway (poor Cohen looked so miserable) and my brother and sister in law said they really wanted me to be there. So I said I'd go but sit away from people. Was a good day but just a bit chilly. Lunch was a sausage sizzle so I was a bit naughty and had a sausage sandwich with no butter plus a tiny piece of birthday cake. Tonight I will be very good and have something very low fat.

Well I think I've rambled on enough for now. Be back tomorrow.


Blogger Tina said...

Happy birthday to your nephew, Renae! Sounds like you had a great day, apart from your cold. Hope you feel better soon!

I know what you mean about skipping breakfast...I feel the same. I also find that if I don't have a decent breakfast, I'm feeling really peckish around morning tea and lunch so I make sure my breakfast (and lunch) are my biggest meals of the day.

6:45 pm  
Blogger Jadey said...

Sounds like you had a good day babe - sausages are so hard to resist aren't they? They just smell so good! Shame about your cold - seems to be going around a bit.

The jelly you talk about is the first step to losing it - the fat starts to release itself from muscles etc and goes like Jelly. After this it starts falling off. So you must be doing something right.

Feel free to add me to msn if you have it ( ) And I can talk you through your measurements for the challenge if you need it. Otherwise I am always here to chat anyway.

Good Luck with your journey babe.

7:41 pm  

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