Thursday, July 27, 2006

I Gained This Week :(

Well I suppose it eventually had to happen. Today when I weighed myself for the week I discovered that I had gained 600g. Not good but I think it is the kick up the bum I needed to get well and truly back on track.

Other than that nothing exciting has been happening on the weightloss front. I spoke with the president of the cycle club. Found out that they are all seniors, however it isn't just for seniors and they do have some school teachers that ride with them in holiday time. Their rides are usually 35-45km each Wednesday. I would collapse after riding that far I think lol. I am still thinking about whether to join them for part of a ride.

I am still aiming to enter the City To Surf (when I get around to completing the entry form). Adro and his trainer have arranged accommodation at the Marriot in Parramatta and also a great dinner the night before. There is going to be guest speakers, prizes etc. Sounds like a great night.

Oh well better go.

I am also setting up a blog for my everyday life stuff and will include the joys of having a teenager etc etc lol. I will put a link to it on this blog when it is set up.


Thursday, July 20, 2006

I'm sooooooo Slack

Here I am back again. I have been so slack with my blog it's not funny.

I suppose it's because I haven't really had much to report on the weightloss front. For the last 3 wks I stayed the same weight. We have had a sick household with the dreaded cold/flu hitting everyone. I had it a few weeks ago and now have it back again. What joy.

Today was weigh-day and I am very pleased to finally see the scales moving down again. I lost 1.6kgs this week bringing my weight loss to 21.8kgs.

I thought I would post my Wk 7 goals for the LITS Challenge here:

Get over this cold lol
Walk at least 3 times this week
Increase my fruit intake
Drink 2L of water/day
Lose 500g

For some reason I have noticed that I'm not eating as much fruit as I was, and should be, so my aim is to increase that again this week.

I still have to register for the City To Surf yet must hurry up and do that.

Well I promise, promise, promise to update my blog again tomorrow (even if I have nothing exciting to say).


Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Not much happening with me at the moment so I've been a bit quiet here. Over the last few weeks for some reason my exercise has dropped right off. At the beginning it was sickness but I really have no excuse for the last couple of weeks.

I have decided to pull out of the FOH Challenge as my mind really hasn't been on weightloss etc as it should be for such a challenge. Ray has put so much work into this challenge and I really don't think I deserve to be a part of it at the moment. That is not to say that I am giving up in any way. I am still committed to my weight loss and I am aiming to get my exercise back on track asap.

I am lucky that I have not put weight on over the last few weeks. I'm very surprised about that. Last Thursday I weighed myself and had lost 200g for the week.

Depending on the weather tonight (hubby has soccer training if weather is ok), I am going to go to the gym. If I can't go tonight i will definately be there tomorrow night. It is pelting down outside so I can't even get out for a walk. I was planning to go for a ride with the kids if the weather was nice. That will have to be postponed.

I had a lovely morale booster/feel good moment yesterday. We have a friend that is a postman and occasionally he does our street. We probably haven't seen him for more than 3months. Anyway, yesterday he came to the door and when I opened it he said "You've lost weight - you've lost a lot of weight". I was a bit embarressed as I never know what to say lol but I thanked him for the comment and we had a lovely chat. It was very motivating for me as he is probably the first person who I don't see regularly to comment on my WL. People who see you all the time don't really notice it as much.

It was also good because even though I can tell I've lost weight when I look in the mirror I don't see much change. I think that this is where people (myself included) can lose motivation and revert to old habits quite easily. So it is good to get comments like the above occasionally as it lets you know that there is a noticeable change.

At the moment I am debating trying Body For Life. There has been a lot of talk about it and I thought it might be good to shake things up a bit. I won't be able to start for a few weeks as I have to get the books. I have a few questions about the program such as: can you do more than the recommended exercise - I enjoy doing classes but I'm not sure if they would fit into the program as I think the cardio is based more on Intervals? Therefore the classes would need to be on top of the cardio and weights for the program.

I also don't really want to use protein powders but I'm pretty sure that it isn't a must for the program.

The other thing that I've been thinking of doing is jogging. I have no idea really how to start but it is something that interests me. I would have to invest in a good sports bra as running along and getting a black eye is not my idea of fun. I am also a bit self-conscious and I always think people are watching me and laughing. I would have to overcome this too. The thing that worries me about jogging is the injuries that I read about. I suppose a lot of this is due to poor technique/inadequate footwear so I would need to research that.

Anyway this is where I am at now. I will be aiming to get to the gym tonight and if not tonight due to hubbies soccer it will be tomorrow night for sure.

Back tomorrow to report that I went to the gym!
